The Tavan PTO's mission is to strengthen, enhance, and support the educational and social environment of our students and collective school community. 



 Sept. 16, 2024 *Coming Soon


Meeting Minutes

24'-25' School Year


Sept. 16, 2024

Aug. 19, 2024


23'-24' School Year


Apr.15, 2024

Feb. 26, 2024

Jan. 22, 2024

Nov. 27, 2023

Oct. 16, 2023

Sept. 19, 2023

Aug. 22, 2023

July 25, 2023

22'-23' School Year


May 17, 2023

Apr. 26, 2023 *No meeting, election results

Mar. 29, 2023

Feb. 22, 2023

Jan. 18, 2023

Nov. 02, 2022

Sept. 07, 2022

Aug. 10, 2022





Bylaws of Tavan Elementary PTO




Section 1: NAME The name of the organization shall be Tavan PTO Inc. (Tavan Elementary PTO). The

PTO is located at Tavan Elementary School at 4610 E Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85018. 

Section 2: DESCRIPTION The PTO is a nonprofit organization that exists for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including the making of distributions of organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Section 3: PURPOSE The purpose of the PTO is to strengthen and create a cooperative atmosphere where staff and parents can work together to support students and staff through financial and volunteer aid, plan and execute experiences that strengthen the bond between home and school and support the school vision. 

  1. The PTO shall be an autonomous, independent decision-making group that works cooperatively with Tavan staff and administration.

  2. The PTO shall work cooperatively to create a Tavan community by supporting and encouraging active participation by Tavan students, parents, staff, and administration.

  3. The PTO shall provide regularly scheduled educational and community-oriented programs for Tavan teachers, students, parents, and administrators.

  4. The PTO shall work cooperatively to raise funds for school facility improvements, programs, and activities that will contribute to a safe environment and enhance the quality of education at Tavan and in the surrounding community.

  5. The PTO shall work cooperatively to identify local community service programs and outreach opportunities in which Tavan students, parents, and staff may participate.



Section 1: Membership is available to all parents and/or legal guardians of students who currently attend Tavan are eligible for membership and shall have the right to attend and participate in all PTO general meetings and activities.  Members shall be eligible to serve in any elected or appointed PTO positions, and shall have the right to participate in the election of officers.

  1. Membership Recruitment: The PTO shall conduct an initial enrollment drive through meetings and other activities as designated by the Executive Committee during the beginning of the academic year. However, members may be admitted at any time throughout the academic year.

  2. Membership Dues: Each member of the PTO must register for membership online and pays dues that are set by the Executive Board.



Section 1: EXECUTIVE BOARD—The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Dad’s Club President. Officer positions can be shared. The president casts deciding vote when the vote is tied. The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the PTO, the Principal of Tavan. The duties of the Executive Board shall be the following:

  1. To conduct and oversee the overall business of the PTO throughout the academic year.

  2. To ensure the activities and business of the PTO are in accordance with the purpose described in Article I, Section 3.

  3. To responsibly maintain and oversee the finances of the PTO.

  4. To review and approve the PTO budget for the following academic year during the August PTO Board Meeting.

  5. To approve the plans of work of the standing committees.

  6. To present a report of the PTO activities at the regular meeting of the PTO.

  7. To recommend members of standing committees and/or special committees.

  8. A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held at a time and date determined by the Executive Committee in at least the months of August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May unless otherwise specified by the PTO or the Executive Committee. Two-third  shall constitute a quorum and a majority vote of the Voting Members present at any meeting shall be required for all action to be taken by the Executive Committee. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the Committee with at least a five (5) day notice given.


Section 2: TERM OF OFFICE—The term of office for all officers is one year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year. Voting for officers for the next school year will take place in April of the current year

  1. Officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year. Upon completion of said term, an Officer may be re-elected for another term or serve in another office.

  2. Any person nominated to the Office of President shall have served as a PTO Officer for a complete term of one (1) year prior to the nomination.

  3. Board meetings are mandatory. If an Officer misses three (3) meetings, they may be removed from the Board.

  4. In the event of an Officer vacancy, the Executive Committee shall vote on a PTO member to fill the vacancy, subject to approval by the PTO Voting Members at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

  5. By a minimum two-thirds vote of the remaining Officers, an Officer can be replaced for failure to perform duties or for misconduct.

  6. Officers shall not profit financially from any activity sponsored by the PTO.

  7. No Officer shall submit a personal check as payment for cash deposits.


Section 3: DUTIES Executive Board: Develop the PTO’s annual budget, establish and oversee committees to conduct the work of the PTO, establish fundraising programs/ideas, calendar annual events, and approve unbudgeted expenditures. 


President: The President shall be the Principal Executive Officer of the PTO and shall in general, supervise and oversee all the PTO’s activities. The President shall be a member of the Executive Committee and, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the PTO and of the Executive Committee. The President, with approval of the Executive Committee, shall be the only person permitted to enter into a contractual agreement on behalf of the PTO. The President shall review all committee appointments. The President shall be authorized to sign on bank account documents. The President shall have an understanding of parliamentary procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and ensure all PTO business and meetings are conducted in this manner.


Vice President: Oversee all committee systems with the President, serve on the executive board, and chair meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall be a member of the Executive Committee.


Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Membership and the Executive Committees. The Secretary shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with these Bylaws, and in general, perform all duties incident to the Office of the Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Committee. The Secretary will ensure the written Bylaws are followed. The Secretary shall submit minutes of prior membership and board meetings for approval. The Secretary shall publish a copy of the minutes of the general membership meetings. The Secretary shall be a member of the Executive Committee.


Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have charge of and be responsible for all funds of the PTO, shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the PTO for all sources, and shall deposit within seven (7) business days such funds in banks or other organizations as are selected by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall ensure that two (2) officers count and verify the amount of all cash deposits two (2) times each. The Treasurer shall make disbursements as authorized by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee or Membership Committee in accordance with the budget adopted by the Membership Committee. Any budget change that occurs outside of the pre-determined line item for a given expense must obtain Executive Committee approval before the expense can be paid. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the current academic year budget presentation to the PTO Board no later than the October meeting. The Treasurer shall collect all membership dues established by the PTO and shall certify to the Secretary an accurate list of Voting Members of the PTO. The Treasurer shall keep books of account and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts, and cancelled checks for five (5) years. The President shall sign checks to be reimbursed to the Treasurer for expenses incurred by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall present a written financial report at each Executive Committee meeting which will then also be shared with the members of the PTO during the regular membership meeting, and at other times as requested by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall ensure a financial review of the PTO’s budget records by an Audit Committee before July 1st. The Treasurer shall ensure that all applicable taxes are filed and paid on time. The Treasurer shall ensure that applicable PTO insurance is established and maintained. Each time a new Treasurer is elected, the new Treasurer shall update the tax files and bank account records to represent the current officer’s name. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Executive Committee.


Director of Fundraising: The Director of Fundraising shall coordinate any and all fundraising programs of the PTO, shall recommend fundraising programs or activities to be adopted by the PTO, shall communicate fundraising programs to students, parents and teachers, and shall perform other duties usually pertaining to that office. The Director of Fundraising shall be the Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee. 


Director of Volunteers: The Director of Volunteers shall work to identify volunteer opportunities as needed and/or requested by the Principal, Faculty, Executive Committee, or President. The Director of Volunteers shall be responsible for recruiting volunteers to fulfill the aforementioned needs and/or requests and is in charge of and not limited to: Home Room Lead, Teacher Appreciation Lead, Halloween Hi Jinx, Sweetheart Dance, Tavan Twinkles, Fun Run Carnival, and Family Fun Nights. 


Room Parent Lead:  Room Parent Lead shall coordinate all room parent related duties. Will work with teachers and dedicate at least one room parent per classroom. Will provide information to room parents directly from PTO. Will assist Director of Volunteers to source volunteers for events hosted by PTO.


Director of Communications: The Director of Communications shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining communication methods set forth by the Executive Committee, including but not limited to producing a PTO newsletter, constant contact via email and/or phone, and updating the PTO website, updating the PTO Facebook page and all other social media accounts with specific responsibilities to include creating the media that is shared across all PTO platforms and securing approval from Tavan Administration and the PTO President for all image creations. 


Dad’s Club President: Organizing and supporting events and programs that provide opportunities for dads and father figures to connect with other Tavan families. Work to increase participation in school events. Dad’s Club President shall be responsible for planning and identify members to participate in Dad’s Club Social Hours, Halloween Hi Jinx, Camp Out, Movie Night, and Superhero Dance.  This position is part of the Executive Board.


Section 4: VOTING Nominations for Board positions must be submitted to the President at the March PTO board meeting. The election will take place, by way of public or private voting, at the April PTO meeting. A person may hold only one position at a time.

In the event that the PTO fails to fill all Officer positions at the May PTO meeting, the incumbent of the expiring term may remain in office for one additional school year or until an election of a new official at a regular meeting. Any individual that would like to be considered for an executive board position shall serve as a committee member during the prior school year.

  1. Procedure: The President will distribute Membership Nomination Forms to the entire PTO to be filled out by members and submitted to the President and reviewed by the Executive Board. Approved individuals will be placed on the ballot for voting.

  2. Selection: Officers shall be elected by ballot annually in April. A majority of votes cast by the Voting Members shall be necessary for election. Should no person receive a majority of the votes cast, a run-off between the two (2) persons who received the largest number of votes shall immediately be held. 

  3. Outgoing PTO Officers shall turn over all relevant notes and records pertaining to the PTO to their respective successors by the end of the academic year to facilitate an easy transfer of responsibilities.

  4. All officers shall maintain a printed or electronic record of information pertinent to their office. This record and any other related materials will be delivered to their successors within 15 days of the transition meeting that occurs after election.

  5. If an executive board position has no qualified member a current executive board member may nominate a candidate see Article III, Section 8, subsection 1


Section 5: EXECUTIVE BOARD shall meet monthly during the school year, or at the discretion of the President. 

  1. Meetings of the executive board shall be held prior to each regularly scheduled general meeting. The time, dates and location of the meetings shall be determined by the President prior to the start of the school year. 

  2. The President, or a majority of the board, with three days’ notice, may call special meetings of the Executive Board. 

  3. An Executive Board meeting shall be held in May, pursuant to Article III, Section 4, items 3 and 4, to ensure a smooth transition between the outgoing and newly elected executive board. 

  4. Two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. 

Section 6: REMOVAL An officer can be removed from office for failure to fulfill his/her duties, after reasonable notice, by two-thirds vote of the Executive Board, an officer or chairperson may be removed from office for misconduct or failure to perform duties. Failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Board may, at the option of the Executive Board, be grounds for removal. Due notice of at least 48 hours shall be given in writing (e-mail may serve as an acceptable form of writing) to the officer by the President.

Section 7: VACANCY A vacancy shall be declared in any seat on the Executive Board upon death or upon receipt of written resignation from the officer or upon removal of the officer pursuant to Article III, Section 6. 

  1. If the office of President is vacated for any reason, the Vice President of Membership will succeed to the office of President until the Executive Board can meet to elect a new President. The Executive Board may elect by majority vote one of the Vice Presidents to succeed to the office of President for the unexpired portion of that term. 

  2. Vacancies in other elected offices shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board.

Section 8: STANDING COMMITTEES MEMBERS Standing committees members shall be created by the Executive Board as required to promote the objectives and interest of the PTO. The Nominating Committee shall work with its nominee for President to recruit PTO members to fill the standing committee chair positions prior to the election of the incoming Executive Board each spring. The newly elected Executive Board shall appoint the chair of each standing committee following the President’s election at the meeting during which elections take place or as soon thereafter as a chair agrees. The term of office of chairs for committees shall be one year. The list of current standing committees shall be attached to these bylaws as part of Appendix A and shall be modified by the Executive Board as necessary from time to time without requiring amendment of the bylaws. 

  1. Committee Member qualifies as a room parent or event lead

SPECIAL COMMITTEES Special committees may be created by the President, or the Executive Board as required. The chairs of these committees shall be selected by the President or Board at their discretion. The chair of the special committee shall serve for the life of the committee or for the term otherwise specified by the President or Board. A list of any special committees established by the President or Board shall be attached to these bylaws as a part of Appendix A and shall be modified at the discretion of the President/Board without need of amending the bylaws. 


DUTIES OF THE CHAIR Each standing chair shall recruit committee members to serve on the committee they chair. 



Section 1: GENERAL PTO MEETINGS shall be held to conduct the business of the PTO. General PTO meetings are open to the public. 

  1. There shall be at least 4 regular meetings of the PTO held during the school year. 

  2. Budget meetings may be held in conjunction with one regular meeting in the fall and with the final regular meeting in the spring. 

  3. Dates of meetings shall be determined by the Executive Board with the approval of the principal prior to the start of the school year. 

  4. At least seven days’ notice of a meeting change shall be given to the members.

Section 2: VOTING Only Executive Board member are eligible vote. Absentee and proxy votes are not allowed.



Section 1: FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the PTO begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year. 

Section 2: BANKING All funds shall be kept in a checking account in the name of Tavan Pto Inc., requiring two signatures of the Executive Board and held at an accredited financial institution. 

Section 3: REPORTING The Treasurer shall reconcile the account(s) monthly and report all financial activity monthly. The PTO shall arrange an Executive Board review of its financial records each year. An audit committee consisting of no more than three (3) members shall be appointed by the Executive Board before the last meeting of the year. The audit committee shall review the books and records of the PTO and report to the PTO at a meeting at the beginning of the following school year.

Section 4: REIMBURSEMENT All financial transactions that require reimbursement must be approved prior to the purchase (individual items or items within a budget) of said item(s) by the Executive Board. Receipts must be submitted for PTO member (or teacher) to be reimbursed. 

Section 5: ENDING BALANCE The organization shall leave a minimum of $3,000 in the treasury at the end of each fiscal year. 

Section 6: CONTRACTS Authority to sign contracts is limited to the President or the President’s designee. 



Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by any PTO member. Amendments presented at a PTO meeting shall be considered for voting at a subsequent meeting provided that the proposed amendment is also approved by a majority of the Executive Board and that written notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at least 14 calendar days prior to the general meeting. Two-thirds vote of the members present and voting and constituting a quorum (15 members). 



Upon the dissolution of the organization, any remaining funds should be used to pay any outstanding bills and, with majority approval of the Executive Board at the time of dissolution, spent for the benefit of Tavan Elementary School. 



The authority for this organization shall be Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. 


These bylaws were adopted on 2 AUG 2022 . Amended 15 FEB 2023